Fichtenbaum und Palme
Heinrich Heine (1797-1856), Buch der Lieder (Libro de canciones o Cancionero), Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe, 1827
Lyrisches Intermezzo, S. 137, XXXIII
Ein Fichtenbaum steht einsam, 1822-23
Ein Fichtenbaum steht einsam
Im Norden auf kahler Höh';
Ihn schläfert; mit weißer Decke
Umhüllen ihn Eis und Schnee.
Er träumt von einer Palme,
Die, fern im Morgenland,
Einsam und schweigend trauert
Auf brennender Felsenwand.
English translation by Emma Lazarus:
There stands a lonely pine-tree
In the north, on a barren height;
He sleeps while the ice and snow flakes
Swathe him in folds of white.
He dreameth of a palm-tree
Far in the sunrise-land,
Lonely and silent longing
On her burning bank of sand.
Translation by Louis Unternmeyer:
A lonely pine is standing
In the North where high winds blow.
He sleeps; and the whitest blanket
wraps him in ice and snow.
He dreams—dreams of a palm-tree
that far in an Orient land
Languishes, lonely and drooping,
Upon the burning sand.
Translation by A.S. Kline:
A single fir-tree, lonely,
On a northern mountain height,
Sleeps in a white blanket,
Draped in snow and ice.
His dreams are of a palm-tree,
Who, far in eastern lands,
Weeps, all alone and silent,
Among the burning sands.
Translation by Max Knight:
A spruce is standing lonely
In the north on a barren height.
It drowses; ice and snowflakes
Wrap it in a blanket of white.
It dreams about a palm tree
In a distant, eastern land,
That languishes lonely and silent
Upon the scorching sand.
Translation by Walter W. Ardnt:
A single fir stands lonesome
On barren northerly height.
He drowses; frost and snowstorm
Shroud him in swathes of white.
He dreams about a palm. She,
In the orient, far, alone,
Sorrowing stands and silent
At a blazing scarp of stone.
Translation by A.Z. Foreman:
There stands a pine tree- lonesome
In the north on a barren height
In slumber. Frost and snowstorm
Swathe it in sheets of white.
It dreams about a palmtree
Far in the east,
Staring, in sorrow and silence,
At a blazing wall of stone.
English translations and references source: Ralph Dumain; see also textetc.
Traducción castellana de Darío Herrera:
En el frío Norte y en desnuda cumbre
dormitando se halla pino solitario;
la nieve y el hielo le dan su vislumbre,
le exornan y envuelven en blanco sudario.
Y ante el cielo negro y en su cumbre helada,
tiritando sueña que en lejano Oriente
una palma sufre, silenciosa, aislada,
en ribera abrupta, bajo el sol ardiente.
Traducción de Elisabeth Siefer:
Un pino solitario,
está en una montaña, en el Norte.
Cansado está, y una cobija blanca
de hielo y nieve lo envuelve.
Con una palmera está soñando,
que lejos en el Oriente
sobre una roca ardiente,
se yergue en silencio y soledad.
Donde el pino encuentra la palma
Der Fichtenbaum und die Palme
The Pine Tree and the Palm Tree
The pine-tree dreameth of the palm.
The palm-tree of the pine.
El pino y la palma
El pino soñaba con la palma.
La palma soñaba con el pino.
Heine y su obra online
Gedichte (all poems)
Zeno: Literatur
The German Classics: Works
A media voz: Poemas
Velasco: Heine y los años salvajes de la filosofía, 2008
Velasco: Heine y el "final del período artístico"
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